18 July 2011

Embrace The Braces! 6th Week.

Its only been 6 weeks and I can't believe how quickly time has flown! I've had the wires clipped 2 weeks ago as it was starting to dig into the sides of my cheek and it really hurt! I had small ulcers and they really hurt too! I couldn't eat anything sour or salty as it would just add more pain. I was suppose to rinse my mouth every night with salt water but I had to avoid it for few days as it would really hurt when I did so. There has been a big improvement and I can't wait to get my braces tightened in 3weeks time! I will definitely post some pictures up to show my progress..
Flossing has been a  breeze and I'm much quicker at it now getting in and out of the wire with my dental floss. It's still very important for me to brush my teeth twice a day and after each meal as I hate having food stuck in my braces! At night after I brush with normal toothpaste I use whitening toothpaste and brush for a further one minute.
I love drinking tea and coffee so I don't want any tar build up. What I find frustrating the most is I usually love eating cookies with my tea but because the cookie is quite hard, I have to soften it with the tea.
The braces haven't hurt me since the first couple of days with it on. The odd time the two front teeth would get a little sensitive but other than that nothing major.

My little cousin is thinking of getting braces too for her top set as her bottom set are perfectly straight and I will be bringing her to my orthodontics tomorrow afternoon for a consultation. Oh I am so excited for her!

I'm so glad to have my wisdom teeth removed as it makes my face look a little smaller now. It's weird with braces because I use to eat a lot although I'm not massively big but I don't snack as much as I use to. Which uis a good thing I guess as I shouldn't be eating too much junk!
        After: 6 weeks                   
                                                    Before: 1st week
So this is my teeth after 6 weeks with braces on. My front tooth which juts out the most has started to retrieve back to where it's suppose to be. You can also see the wires have started to straighten themselves out! ^_^

Blog Update/ Keihl's Review

It's been an uber long time since I've last updated my blog. The main reason is beacause I have been too busy playing my iPhone games, Facebook games, DS and Wii.. Ahhh.. They are just too addictive!
Today's post will be a review post on Keihl's Ultra Face Cream and Keihl's Cucumber Facial Toner. I absolutely love these two products. I was first introduced to them from a friend's sister who works at Keihl's branch on Wicklow St, Dublin. I have been using Clinique's Moisturising Lotion and had wanted to try something different. The skin on my face is fairly normal/ dry in some places. I find the Clinique Moisturiser a bit too heavy and leaves my skin slightly oily. 
The Keihl's Ultra Cream is very light and spreads very quickly and easily and didn't leave any residue or heaviness on my skin. I like the way its very light and very easy to work with!

Keihl's Cucumber Toner is very refreshing and the good thing about this is it's non alcohol. It cleans my face without stripping away natural oils. Its cooling and refreshing and I always apply Ultra Cream afterwards.
These two products are my must haves and I definitely would be getting more when I run out of it!