30 April 2013

Random Update

I'm very bad at blogging. It's one of those Love/Hate relationships I have with my blog. I remember I use to love blogging all the time- it was like a modern diary to me. But I do have an excuse. I haven't had my computer with me for a long long time but when I finally got it back, I just forgot about this! Too bad we can't really update our blogs on our phones. It would be so much easier.

So, I've just been back from my awesome trip to London. It was a fun weekend for me and I haven't drank so much in a week! I'm glad my friends and I had planned to go there and have a little gathering. 

My braces were suppose to be due off in June but now my orthodontics is saying I will have to wear them for another while. But I guess the wait will be worth it although that was the main highlight of the year was to finally have my braces off!

I've left my job in March. Which was a bit of a bummer as I did enjoy working there. But if you're not happy at a job then get the hell out. It was the best decision I've ever made. I felt trapped and under appreciated for all the efforts I've put in, but hey, such is life. Not everyone is going to be pleased all the time.
I'm now working part time back at my previous employers and things are great. The girls and guys are great there and we all have a laugh. It's madness how much 2 years since I've been there has changed but yet everyone is still the same. 

My little brother is going to Korea on Friday for 3 whole months. He's so lucky!

Anyway, I will end the blog with the awesome song I came across. I grew up listening to him and still reminisce on the fun times I had when I was living in London as a kid.

張學友 | 只想一生跟你走



但你沒帶走 夢裡的所有
讓你走 為何讓你看不透

你未淡忘 往日舊情
我願默然 帶著淚流

天邊海角 多少改變
一生只有 風中追究

你未淡忘 往日舊情
我願默然 帶著淚流
在我心中的你 思海的你

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